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Mechanical Ventilation is a life-saving treatment modality used for critically ill patients who require assistance with spontaneous ventilation. However, this treatment modality is not without complications for instance ventilator lung injury and ventilator associated pneunomia. A 30% mortality rate, increased stay on the ventilator, hospital stay and increase cost has been globally reported. Due to the complications, it is therefore important that health care practitioners caring for mechanical ventilated patients are safe, knowledgable and competent.

The aim of the short learning programme in mechanical ventilation is to enhance the knowledge of health care professionals in caring for patients connected to the mechanical ventilator.

The short learning programme comprise of the following component:

  • Anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
  • Basic consepts related to the mechanical ventilation
  • Ventilator modes
  • Ventilator graphics
  • Complications related to mechanical ventilation
  • Caring for the mechanical ventilated patient
  • Scenario application


  • Please enquire with the SLP administrator.

Who should attend?

  • Health care professionals caring for the mechanically ventilated patient in a critical care unit.

In order to attend the Nursing Science SLPs you are required to be registered with the South African Nursing Council (SANC). 

For more information, please contact